Hayley Fyfe
2024 Winner
Dr. James Smith was a native of Tallahatchie County. He graduated from West Tallahatchie High School and continued his education at Northwest Community College followed by Mississippi State University where he earned a Doctorate in Plant Pathology and Weed Science. James’ career began with the Mississippi State University Extension Service in 1973 as the Extension Rice Specialist. In 1978 he began his own business, Delta Rice Services. In 2005, James published a book “Rice in the Mississippi Delta” outlining the history and progress of the rice industry in Mississippi. James believed in giving back to those who had helped him, so he established three endowments at Northwest, two at Mississippi State and one at Delta State University.
It is for these reasons Delta Rice Promotions established the Dr. James Smith Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to the Runner-Up Queen and Ambassador.
The recipients will ensure Dr. James Smith’s name remains alive among the Mississippi Rice Industry.